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Categoria: Principal / 03. Enlaces Ferroviarios del MUNDO / Índices, Horarios, Billetes y Buscadores

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TrainNet.org  Popular

Operated by a solid Staff of railway employees, railfans and model railroaders, the roots of the thriving world-wide community of TrainNet.org go back to early 1986 when the CompuServe ModelNet Forum opened two railway oriented message boards. These boards proved to be wildly popular and spawned (in 1989) the TrainNet Forum which, for the next twelve years, was a busy and lively gathering place for railroad and railway fans, modelers and employees. On 1 November, 2001 the forum was integrated into TrainNet.org with message boards (to which you can subscribe by forum or topic - see the User Menu), twice-weekly moderated conferences, photos (see a sample) & reference files in downloadable libraries.
Añadido el: 02-Abr-2006 | Visitas: 426
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